Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Because we have asked...Why ask why?

As I start to go back through my journals, and make the commitment to share my story with each of you, I have been "gifted" the view of hindsight. Now we all know that it's 20/20. So let us try and make some good use of it shall we?
At the time, I asked for everything to stop, and it indeed stopped. On a dime! But it is through my reflection back, that I can see the good. Believe me at the time, I was stressed beyond belief, so my prayer being answered did not feel like an answered request. Quite the opposite, it felt like a punishment!! One that did not seem deserved, warranted, or wanted. This is because I was in the middle of it, with no knowledge of how to pull back from the immediacy of the situation. Nor did I know that obstacles (and that is the last time I will use that word) were in fact opportunities. You see, I was so out of touch with my inner and higher self, I lacked the perspective of it doesn't matter how change occurs, the important part is; First, it does. Secondly, it is always for our higher good.
So please trust me just a bit here. It is the best advice I have to offer. And it is as true as the days are long. Anything that happens to us, is neither bad (negative) or good (positive.) It is just an occurrence. WE ARE the ones that attach either a positive or negative to it. It's all just energy, matching our energies, that through the dynamics of physics are drawn to us. If you don't understand this concept, please please post a question, and I will gladly explain. We are all at different points in our awareness. So I am assuming a bit that most of you understand what I am speaking of....
So, we have something happen. It is neutral. ALWAYS. It is only because of our past experiences and whether we saw them as good or bad, that we relate the current event in comparison. This is where we stunt our growth. Our pasts do NOT dictate our futures. So here's the trick, no matter how badly your head, your heart, your emotions want you to feel that what just happened is bad; is an illusion. Some of what we relate as the most traumatic events in our life are our most precious gifts. This is not a wishy washy hallmark greeting card make you feel better line. This is raw truth.
Here is where I ask a favor. I ask you to think back, at something that happened that hurt. Initially, those feelings of pain will come flying back, lump in the throat and all. Go ahead and accept these feelings. This is crucial to healing. Let it wash over you, as you saw it unfold then, as you felt back then. Allow it. NOW stop.
Look back again, and let go of those feelings, they are in the past and can not hurt you again, unless you allow it, and you just did, so it's time to move on. Look back again, but this time find something good that ultimately came from that event. Take your time. For some of you this will be easy, others more difficult. and still other's that say- Nichole your crazy!!! There is nothing good!
If that's the case please post to me, email me, call me. I will help you find the good, because the good is always there for us if we choose to find it!!
In closing, I can stand before one person, or a stadium and say my car accident, my life falling to utter pieces as I knew it was one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. Period.
One more thing, I am sharing...but it really isn't sharing unless you and I are both doing it. Otherwise, it's just me rambling. So, the second part of my favor.....post the event you picked, tell me how you felt then, then tell me how you felt after this little exercise. Tell me the good. Tell me your not sure, just tell me your truth as you see it and we will take it from there.....this is our very first step. 
With much love, and absolute gratitude......I hope to talk to you soon!!

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