Sunday, September 11, 2011

Has your Table been Cleared? "Table clearing..."

I once again don't find it ironic that I am writing this today 9/11/11. It was a day when so many experienced this concept of mine- table clearing. I experienced it 3 years ago. In the past three weeks I have been ( and I truly mean) honored to bear witness of three of my dearest friends tables be cleared. Now, you ask what is it?
Table clearing is a metaphor, if you were to put all the different aspects of you life out on a table, your friends, your family, your job, your home, your connection to certain people, all the details of the life you built. The universe has a way of coming to you and like magic grabs the very corner of the cloth and gives it a good shake, and all you know appears to go flying up in the air in utter chaos and then falling by the way side. Now your thinking "oh my gosh, that's terrible" Right? To have the pieces of your life so disrupted and often times completely lost. And while if this is your perception, you may just in fact be right. So please once again, place just a bit of trust in me and follow this idea, this way of thinking, this metaphor or concept.
Why not view our lives as if we are going to a five star restaurant, with many courses. As you work your way through this delicious meal, you have the remnant's of dirty dishes, and flatware, that no longer serve the next course? Where are we to put the next next delicious things that are sitting under heat lamps waiting to come to your table, but can't because there is no room?? Your table can  only hold so much! Much like the universe has heard our good thoughts and dreams and wishes, but we have not made room for them to come to us? That sounds more appealing no? I mean how do we get to the delicious chocolate 7 layer cake dessert with fresh cream on the side, presented on the most beautiful plate, and a brand new clean dessert fork.... you must admit, it would not be your sole focus, or taste nearly as delicious if all those previous dirty dishes were still sitting there. No it is much better to have the table cleared, be presented with a dessert menu and then choose what you want to indulge in, what your really hungry for. What you carefully went through the whole rest of the previous meals, just waiting for the perfect desert.
This again, is what the universe does, it clears the table. It takes away all the previous half eaten meals that you thought you would like only to find it wasn't quite what you thought it was. It didn't taste, quite right. It didn't satisfy that longing you had. And although there were things on the table left that were just perfect, you were finished with them... When the universe clears your table, it removes everything-sometimes a job, a loved one, where you live, a friendship, and old habit that you do just out of habit. This is a gift my friends. Although looking at your life and seeing things fall away, sometimes a few things, sometimes all things leaves a big scary table. But only if you think of it as such. Now, go back to the 5Star see the universe says enough, it's time for dessert, it time for what you long for, what you desire most. And you get to take this beautifully empty table and you and only you choose what you want placed before you next. It allows you to pick up your fork or spoon and say I long to dive into this, or that. Not so scary right? More exciting I think....At the five star restaurant say the previous dish was a heavy meal, you would want something light and fluffy. If you had a light meal with no real substance because in the back of your mind, you knew all along you were going for that  heavy huge piece of 7 layer chocolate cake!! Again, if your table has been cleared, do not dwell on what was once there, instead embrace that all the old dirty dishes (obstacles) have been removed for you!! I assure you this doesn't happen when you go to clean out a junk drawer, or a room at a time. that is time consuming, and hard hard work. Having your table cleared is the fast track of the universe saying, here! Clear!! Now what do you really want?? My final thought is this; if in fact you have been gifted a clear table, ask for what you want. What you really want. Your deepest heart's desire. because the universe is listening, it's right there saying what would you like next??? My table was cleared, and I have chosen to fill it with a voice for myself, with health, with abundance, with a chosen family that would surround me in deliciousness and love and acceptance. Yes, I have skipped forward a bit, in regards to a girl and her dog and the journey and lessons we've learned, but it is to let you know; you do get to choose exactly what you want, and receive it. A cleared table is a not a loss, it is a fresh start, a chance to acquire your soul purpose. Even if you weren't sure what it was before, when your table is cleared, you have the room to envision just what that looks like for you! Blessings to you and yours on this very memorable day. Let us appreciate what was once on our tables, and now they've been cleared let us now open up and consciously choose what we want next!!
With much much love...a girl and her dog!

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