Monday, September 5, 2011

Why Now? Because we have asked...

Exactly three years, five months and nineteen days ago today (which I might add is no coincidence that this matches my date of birth) I looked up at the heaven's and pleaded "Make it all stop, please Dear God, Universe, Nana, just make it stop!!" Ten minutes later it did. I was standing at a rental car agency, in Chicago on business. I was in the wrong house, marriage, job, city, and nothing was going right. Down to my plane's late arrival and a missing rental car reservation to which I opted for a cab. As I climbed into the backseat, luggage in tow to go directly to the meeting I was again already late for, my stomach was sinking. It had really gotten that bad, and although I participated in every aspect of my being where I was, I wasn't sure how it ended up so badly. The cab driver took the address of my company's headquarters and five minutes later on a two lane highway, ran a red light. Crashing into a car obeying the signal at approximately forty miles per hour.....Everything as I knew it stopped. My prayers were answered. Immediately.
So my point is this, from the moment you think a thought, a ripple is sent out, and action takes place, and the universe delivers. It delivers the thought when you need it most. Not when you WANT it, when you need it.


  1. Oh, Nikki, you have come so far in that time, it must feel like centuries for you. For everyone reading this, your thoughts are creative. If you want to know what your thoughts have been, look at what you have got...good, bad, neutral...all of it created with your thoughts. That is why is so important to learn to control them, so that only good is created. Maya

  2. Oh my Dear Maya!!! That is exactly what my blog post today was about!! I'm thinking Grasshopper learned well!! So much love to you!!
